Piql signs agreement with the Vatican Library

Piql has started a project for the Vatican Library in which some of their most valuable historical manuscripts will be safely preserved and protected for coming generations on piqlFilm.

The Vatican Library has decided to use Piql’s technology and services for the long-term preservation of some of their most significant manuscripts. The manuscripts are selected by the Vatican Library based on their historical and cultural value, and the risk of their deterioration and permanent loss.

The manuscripts will be preserved in digitized versions on piqlFilm, where they will remain accessible for future generations for at least 500 years. To start off the project, a historical version of Dante Alighieri’s “La divina commedia” was in February safely preserved and stored in Piql’s Arctic World Archive on Svalbard, Norway.

We live in a world where everything becomes faster but does not last for long. Piql has the technology and the philosophy to transfer information and culture to the future. The Vatican wants to realize this dream. Our goal is to preserve the cultural heritage of the world, and in our judgement Piql has the best and most secure solution

Luciano Ammenti, CIO of the Vatican Library

Maurizio Tuccio, General Manager of Piql Italy, signed the agreement in a ceremony in the Vatican on February 28th. “The Vatican Library is one of the oldest and most important libraries in the world. The project includes the preservation of documents such as a text written by Luke the Evangelist and a hand-written version of the Coran. We are very honored to be trusted by the Vatican Library with this important task.”

The Vatican Apostolic Library was formally established by Pope Nicholas V in 1475. In 2010 the Library started a digitization project to preserve their collection of manuscripts for the future and make them available to the public online. The preservation project with Piql is kindly supported by SCG Chemicals, a leading petrochemical company in Asia and research partner of Piql.

From the signing ceremony in the Vatican.