Revolutionizing Digital Preservation Education with Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi

Renowned for its commitment to educational excellence, Sorbonne University, Abu Dhabi (SUAD) embarked on a transformative journey to modernize its Records Management and Archival Science Program that offers courses in; digital preservation, archival diplomatics, classification of records using AI and Open data and AI Visualization tools to mention but a few.

This modernization has meant giving students hands-on experience regarding the effective management and preservation of digital information throughout its continuum and putting theory into practice using the Piql technologies. SUAD invested in a laboratory environment as a service and is currently training its students in various aspects of digital information management to enable them to understand the impact of technology obsolescence on organizational information resources and cultural heritage. The UAE, through the above-mentioned program is investing in the education of its young generation, about the importance of managing information/ records/data as an important resource to its development and history.

SUAD professors who attended Piql’s exhibition during the International Council on Archives’ Congress (ICA) that took place in October 2023 in Abu Dhabi were impressed by Piql’s claim to preserve digital data for thousands of years which stimulated their interest in this innovative technology. Today’s digital information management landscape requires collabo- ration between different actors, academics and technology developers. Acknowledging the challenges of teaching digital preser- vation for example solely through theory, SUAD collaborated with Piql to pioneer a practical approach.


In an era where digital information is growing exponentially, issues of long-term preservation of authentic digital records have been researched within the Records Management and Archival Science disci- pline. However, what is often missing is an e-archives systems environment in which students can apply theoretical knowledge to practice. With the piql lab, SUAD is now effectively teaching students, among other things digital preservation concepts, the complexity of technical terminology and ”abstract concepts.

“To intelligently solve the challenges in the digital information management environment many professions need to collaborate. Among these professions are, technology developers and the Records Management and Archival Science educators, to ensure that society safe-guards its facts infrastruc- ture through trustworthy systems that can live up to records and archives management requirements
of authentic and trustworthy records and archives. SUAD’s collaboration with Piql is a development in the right direction.”

Proscovia Svard, Associate Professor, Sorbonne University, Abu Dhabi


Acknowledging the above-mentioned challenges, SUAD partnered with Piql AS to create an immersive learning environ- ment. This collaboration aimed to enhance students’ capabilities and hands-on expe- rience in digital preservation and data management. Together, they established a cutting-edge data preservation lab, combining Piql’s expertise with SUAD’s academic excellence to provide a unique learning environment.


Piql provided consulting, training, and licenses for two web-based software systems —piqlHive and piqlConnect. Before implementing the systems, a needs analysis of the courses were conducted to ensure it aligned with the curriculum’s requirements. A comprehensive training program was developed for both students and professors, including three lab sessions led by Piql trainers.

Web-based software solutions:

1. piqlHive: A flexible data management and automation tool, piqlHive enhances the efficiency of records/data management processes. It can solve complex challenges in information management and digital archiving. Students learned to create metadata schemas using international standards like Dublin Core and ISAD(G) and to manage information packages (SIP, AIP, DIP) following the OAIS standard. piqlHive also offers capabilities in data automation, digital signatures, and artificial intelligence, providing a robust platform for practical learning. Licences for up to 48 students were provided, along with a dedicated training curriculum and teaching manual.

2. piqlConnect: This user interface handles the preparation and processing of digital information for long-term storage on Piql’s unique preservation medium, piqlFilm. It simplifies digital preservation by enabling students to register and extract flexible metadata, prepare data for permanent storage, and demonstrate the normali- sation process for common file formats. PiqlConnect supports up to 48 users and includes several languages support.


Partnership between Piql and SUAD has revolutionized the curriculum, igniting enthusiasm and active participation among students, in the digital preser- vation of authentic records. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, Piql’s technology empowered students to navigate digital records and archives preservation challenges confidently and instilled a sense of responsibility toward preserving digital data.

Hands-on experience with state-of-the- art tools prepares students for careers in any records managed and archival institutions or business organizations.

”The unique collaboration between Piql and Sorbonne creates a dynamic environment where archiving professionals can expand their horizons, deepen their knowledge, and contribute to world- class long-term data preservation technologies and practices. At Piql, we are not only concerned with securing and protecting authentic data for future generations but also dedicated to increasing, enhancing, and developing archiving professionals’ excellence.”

Mohamad Shalaby, Piql’s General Manager for Middle East and North Africa


SUAD’s collaboration with Piql exempli- fies a forward-thinking approach to records management and archival science education. Leveraging Piql’s innovative technology and expertise, SUAD has positioned itself at the fore- front of digital assets management, preparing students to become proficient in records and archives management. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, initiatives like these are essential to ensure the authenticity, integrity and accessibility of digital records for future generations.

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