Preserving the Legacy of the French Artist: Serge Bassenko

Serge Bassenko, a French artist and writer, dedicated his life to capturing the essence of our world through a remarkable collection of 7,000 photographs and 25 literary works. His works, spanning decades, showcase a deep connection with historical and cultural landscapes, particularly the French countryside and the unique allure of Venice. As Bassenko's custodian, his partner tirelessly worked to preserve and promote his legacy, ensuring its survival for future generations.

Challenges of Long-Term Preservation

Preserving Bassenko’s vast collection faced numerous challenges. Traditional media like DVDs, microfilm, and other digital storage formats proved unsuitable for reliable long-term preservation. These mediums lacked durability, were vulnerable to environmental conditions, and required constant maintenance. Additionally, many archival institutions were unable to accommodate the sheer volume of physical materials, leading to significant losses—including a devastating flood that destroyed 6,000 photographs stored in a bank vault. This creates an urgency of finding a sustainable, future-proof solution to preserve his legacy.


After extensive research into advanced preservation technologies, Piql’s unique storage medium - piqlFilm - emerged as the optimal solution. Unlike conventional storage methods, piqlFilm offers unparalleled durability, immunity to environmental threats like electromagnetic radiation, and guaranteed data authenticity over centuries.

The Transition of Bassenko’s Works to piqlFilm

Serge Bassenko's invaluable collection, preserved on piqlFilm, captures the interplay between humans, nature and history through a remarkable blend of photography and literature. The collection comprises 7,000 photographs spread across five DVDs, showcasing Venice, the French countryside and Friuli (Italy). Taken throughout the 20th century, these images document cultural and natural landscapes that have been irrevocably altered by modern development. Alongside the photographs are 25 literary works, including 19 novels and a profound philosophical collection, *The Sage*. Together they offer a timeless window into a world shaped by tradition and humanity.

The preservation process began data preparation, where the digitised photographs and texts were carefully reviewed and metadata added to enhance usability and access for future generations. Piql's proprietary encoding technology then transcribed the digital files into visual and digital formats on piqlFilm, incorporating all the necessary software and instructions for decoding - ensuring accessibility even without modern technology. The final piqlFilms were transported to the Arctic World Archive and stored in its high-security vault, where they are protected from electromagnetic radiation, natural disasters and the passage of time, ensuring that Bassenko's legacy will remain accessible for centuries to come.

Impact of the deposit

This partnership between Serge Bassenko's legacy and Piql's advanced technology highlights the transformative role of innovation in preserving humanity's cultural and artistic heritage. Through this deposit, historians, artists, and cultural enthusiasts gain access to a valuable resource that captures a bygone era. Serge’s photographs and writings not only document history but also celebrate human creativity and resilience. By safeguarding these works, Piql connects the past to the future, ensuring that future generations can appreciate Serge Bassenko's artistry and profound insights.