Meet our new Business Development Manager for Piql UK and Ireland

We are delighted to announce that we now have a piqlMan in the United Kingdom and Ireland region. Meet Mr. Simon Clark, our new business development manager. He will be representing Piql services across the UK and Ireland, bringing with him 40 years of impressive experience.

Simon began his motion picture film journey as an engineer at Rank Cintel, a pioneer in film scanning, eventually becoming Operations Director. His career includes managing Auto script and Autocue for The Vitec Group, working with Prasad Corp. in film archiving, and consulting for iMetafilm and UK digitization firms.

Beyond his professional achievements, He is a trustee of Film Archives UK, chair of The Royal Television Society’s Shiers Trust, and a member of FOCAL International’s Technical Group. He also coaches a local youth football team and serves as a school governor.

Simon's extensive and diverse background within film and true passion for the industry, makes him the perfect person to represent Piql in the UK and Ireland. 

“I'm extremely excited and proud to join the Piql AS team and help bring safe and sustainable data storage options to the UK.

I remember discussing how photosensitive film could be ideal for long-term data storage over 20 years ago and I've been following with interest how Piql AS has developed technology that makes photosensitive film a highly secure, eco-friendly alternative to hard drives and magnetic tape. Together with the Arctic World Archive this is an incredible service to be able to offer any companies who need to have secure data forever.

Recent cyber-attacks in the UK have affected institutions like the NHS and the British Library. Companies should consider alternatives to cloud and magnetic storage.

I've worked with Kodak for my entire career. I'm pleased to continue this partnership at Pinewood Studios.”

- Simon Clark, Business Development Manager, Piql UK

Get in touch with Simon at

Stay tuned for exciting developments as we expand Piql services across the world.