
a unique cloud-based solution for
Data Protection - Archival - Preservation

physical - non-hackable - immutable - permanent - offline and off-grid

PiqlConnect us proporciona accés i control complet sobre el vostre arxiu digital, amb un sistema de conservació i accés digital acord als principis de l'OAIS

Tots els formats de fitxer



Fàcil d'utilitzar

Es pot cercar

Accés futur



Accés ràpid i control sobre tota la vostra informació

Preservació d'autoservei

Tria la forma en que es conserven les vostres dades, en funció de les vostres necessitats empresarials

Suport de qualitat

És tan senzill de fer servir que probablement no ens necessitaràs, tot i que, si ho fas, estarem a la teva disposició si necessites ajuda

Connectant l'avui amb el demà

PiqlConnect proporciona serveis d'emmagatzematge en línia i fora de línia, tractament de dades i accés a la vostra informació, tot a través d'una interfície senzilla i fàcil d'utilitzar

Aquest nou servei en línia complementa la nostra tecnologia d'arxius fora de línia, PiqlFilm.

La combinació ofereix un servei veritablement únic: accés en línia instantani i emmagatzematge digital, segur i permanent a llarg termini

Different functionality for different needs


Protect your most important data for tomorrow, the day after and later, - offline and off-grid.

from €39

/ Month

  • 1 user

  • Single and multiple files and folders ingest

  • Bulk ingest of files and folders (option)*

  • Create folder structure

  • Standard metatadaschemas

  • 2 custom metadataschemas

  • Viruscheck of files

Get started today

*Coming soon


  • Your files are stored as they are - metadata can be added.

  • Unlimited data capacity, you pay for offline data storage on the secure, non-hackable and immutable storage medium, piqlFilm, - that is kept off-grid in a secure vault on a secret location in mainland Norway.

  • Decide to store your data online (hot - instant access) as well (extra cost will incur).

  • You get back the exact same files that you stored, when you need them, - tomorrow or the "day after".

  • All data stored online will be deleted after 45 days if not transferred to piqlFilm.


Create your own archive, add metadata so you can easily search, find and retrieve your data in the future.

from €59

/ Month

  • 5 users

  • Single and multiple files and folders ingest

  • Bulk ingest of files and folders (option)*

  • Create folder structure

  • 10 custom metadataschemas

  • Viruscheck of files

  • Thumbnail generation for all files

  • AI for thumbnail generation for all files (option)

  • Extraction of metadata from files

  • AI for metadata generation from files (option)

  • Document understanding (OCR) (option) *

Get started today

*Coming soon

Free trial for 45 days!


  • Your files are archived as they are - metadata can be added.

  • Build your own taxonomy, use standard metadata schemas or make your own.

  • Use AI to generate thumbnails and metadata *.

  • Data is stored online (archive - delayed access).

  • Decide to store your data on the migration free and immutable storage medium, piqlFilm.

  • Decide to physically keep the piqlFilm in a piqlVault of choice, AWA or your own vault.

  • Decide to store your data online (hot - instant access) as well (extra cost will incur)

  • Once stored on piqlFilm, you are sure to get back the exact same files that you archived, - tomorrow and in 1000 years.

*Coming soon


Set up a solution for long-term preservation conformant with the OAIS reference model. Migration free and self-contained.

from €99

/ Month

  • 10 users

  • Single and multiple files and folders ingest

  • Bulk ingest of files and folders*

  • Create folder structure

  • Extended standard metatadaschemas

  • Unlimited custom metadataschemas

  • Viruscheck of files

  • AI for thumbnail generation for all files

  • Extraction of metadata from files

  • AI for metadata generation from files

  • Intelligent normalisation of files to open source preservation formats *

  • Document understanding (OCR) (option) *

Get started today

Free trial for 45 days!


All features from Archive plus:

  • Your files are validated (that the data are correct) and normalised *, i.e. converted to open-source preservation file formats, where one of the reasons is to make the piqlFilm self-contained, - metadata can be added.

  • In addition to the normalised files, you can choose to also preserve the original files on piqlFilm.

  • In the future , you get back a file that can be viewed/rendered by what is included on the piqlFilm, i.e. open-source viewing, rendering, or play-back software. Nothing else needed.

*Coming soon

Protect - Archive - Preserve data storage and vault prices

  • Offline data storage on the non-hackable piqlFilm from €19 per GB

  • Physical storage of the piqlFilm in a secure piqlVault from €0,035 per GB per month

  • Online hot data storage in the cloud from €0,035 per GB per month

Accés intel·ligent

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La missió de Piql és mantenir viva, segura i accessible informació autèntica pel futur