Swiss Patient Medical Records Preserved on piqlFilm

Archivsuisse, the official reseller of Piql in Switzerland, has successfully completed a significant project to secure medical records for patients using piqlFilm. This initiative aligns with national and cantonal data protection laws, ensuring that both physical and digital medical records are stored in a data protection-compliant manner, representing the Swiss industry standard.

Archivsuisse has implemented an in-house offline drive system using piqlFilm for georedundant backups, ensuring that sensitive medical data remains unaltered and meets legal retention periods of up to twenty years. 

piqlFilm's offline storage solution is not only cost-effective but also environmentally sustainable, reducing power consumption and eliminating the need for data migration, enhancing data integrity and accessibility.

This service is particularly beneficial for doctors who are retiring or transferring their practices, allowing them to comply with legal requirements effortlessly. Patients, too, benefit from this service as it ensures they have access to their medical records even after their doctor’s practice has closed or transferred.

Sara Marty, Head of Medical Archives at archivsuisse, emphasised the importance of this development, noting:

“When doctors give up their practices, their patients remain legally entitled to their medical data. Given its sensitive nature, this data has to be stored in a secure and unchangeable medium.Especially retired doctors are additionally interested in keeping the costs for this data retention as low as possible. piqlFilm allows us to adhere to these demands of the medical professionals, while still being able to grant their former patients swift and easy access to their personal data.”

For more details on this project, visit the Archivsuisse Case Study.