We use cookies for statistical purposes and to improve user experience. By clicking ‘OK’ you accept the use of cookies. To read more about how Piql handles your information, read our Privacy Statement..
About cookies
Privacy Controls
We use cookies for statistical purposes and to improve user experience. By clicking ‘OK’ you accept the use of cookies. To read more about how Piql handles your information, read our Privacy Statement..
About cookies
Purpose:Supports the website's technical functions.
Purpose:Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded video players with the purpose of delivering targeted advertising.
Purpose:Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded video players with the purpose of delivering targeted advertising.
Purpose:Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded video players with the purpose of delivering targeted advertising.
Purpose:Collects information about the users and their activity on the website. The Information is used to track and analyze user behavior, to meet the individual user needs and to deliver targeted advertising.
Your consent applies to the following domains:piql.comCookie declaration last updated on 21.02.2022
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small datafile that is saved on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. A cookie is not a program that can contain harmful programs or viruses.
How/why the homepage uses cookies
Cookies are necessary for the homepage to function. Cookies help us get an overview of your visit to the homepage so that we can continually optimise and adjust the homepage to your requirements and interests. For example, cookies remember what you might have added to a shopping cart, if you have previously visited the page, if you are logged in and what languages and currency you want displayed on the homepage. We also use cookies to target our ads to you on other homepages. On a very general level, cookies are used as part of our services in order to show content that is as relevant as possible to you.
How long are cookies saved?
How long cookies are saved on your device can vary. The time when they are scheduled to expire is calculated from the last date you visited the homepage. When cookies expire, they are automatically deleted. You can view a complete list cookies below.
This is how you can reject or delete your cookies
You can always reject cookies on your computer, tablet or phone by changing your browser settings. Where these settings can be found depends on the type of browser you are using. If you do change the settings, please be aware that there will be some functions and services that you cannot use because they rely on the homepage being able to remember the choices you have made.
You can choose to not receive cookies from Google Analytics here.
Deleting cookies
You can delete cookies that you have previously accepted. If you are using a PC with a recent version of a browser, you can delete your cookies by using these shortcut keys: CTRL + SHIFT + Delete.
If the shortcut keys do not work and/or you are using an Apple computer, you must find out what browser you are using and then click on the relevant link:
Remember: If you are using several different browsers, you must delete the cookies in all of them.
Do you have any questions?
Should you have any questions or comments in connection with this information and/or our processing of personal data, you are welcome to get in touch with us. The cookie declaration itself is updated every month via Cookie Information. If you have any questions regarding the Cookie Information, you can send an email to info@cookieinformation.com.
Recht und Justiz
Sichere und authentische Langzeitspeicherung von Daten
Der Rechts- und Justizsektor verfügt über grosse Mengen an wertvollen Daten und Objekten, wobei sich viele Organisationen auf ein papierbasiertes Archiv verlassen. Daten und Wissen gelten als das wichtigste Kapital einer Kanzlei oder eines Gerichts, wobei der schnelle Zugriff auf die Daten für die Erbringung der wichtigsten Dienstleistungen unerlässlich ist.
Piql kann hochqualitative digitale Transformationsdienste mit verbesserter optischer Zeichenerkennung für handschriftliche Notizen und Schreibmaschinenschriften anbieten. Dies ermöglicht eine bessere Durchsuchbarkeit von Inhalten, Datenmanagement, erhöht die Lebensdauer von Informationsobjekten und macht das Auffinden von Information einfach und schnell.
Piql bietet auch einzigartige Vorteile im Hinblick auf Authentizität und Langlebigkeit von Daten mit für Online- und Offline-Langzeitarchivierung.
Vorteile und Potential
Piql bietet uns die beste Lösung für den Übergang von einem papierbasierten Workflow zu einem digitalen Workflow. Piql bringt das Beste aus beiden Welten zusammen: die langfristige Beständigkeit eines soliden und greifbaren Aufbewahrungsmediums, des lichtempfindlichen Films, und die Geschwindigkeit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit der digitalen Welt. Unsere Mitarbeiter haben in einer einzigen Schulung gelernt, die Piql-Benutzeroberfläche zu nutzen. Die Umstellung hätte nicht einfacher sein können.
Piql lieferte ein qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt zu einem unschlagbaren Preis. Sowohl wir als auch unser Kunde sind sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis.
Highlights unseres holistischen Serviceangebots
Konformität mit internationalen Normen
Kompatibel mit allen Dateitypen inkl. Nicht-Standardformaten
Digitale Transformation aller analogen Medien (Mikrofilm, Mikrofiche, Papier, Band etc.)
Bewährte Langlebigkeit, garantierte zukünftige Zugänglichkeit und Authentizität
Digitale und visuelle Archivierung
Nahtlose Integration in bestehende Systeme
Bewährte Langlebigkeit
Garantierte zukünftige Zugänglichkeit und Authentizität
CASE STUDY Piql transforming judiciary archives in India The High Court of Madhya Pradesh needed an innovative solution for long term storage of historical legal
CASE STUDY Preserving authentic land registry records in Brazil Notary offices deliver important services to provide accountability for certain legal and administration activities. The 1st